How To Start Your Own Grimoire | What To Include

What Is A Grimoire?

A grimoire is like a journal for witches. We use them to record our practice along our witchcraft journey. Everyone’s path is different and recording what we’ve done is an amazing way to learn. Keeping track of what spells you’ve done, and what the outcomes were can help with future spells. Witches keep track of their spells and rituals, but also their notes from what they are learning.

I am adding photo examples of what you can include in your own grimoire, but nothing shown is from my personal grimoire. I have changed dates, herbs and other info for my protection. I don’t reccommed sharing personal spells or exactly what you have done, it can make it easier for people who are working against you. (I have no enemies that I know of, but being a public voice, I prefer to take caution.) Make it your own pages or copy what I have here!

What Should You Include?

Table Of Contents

When I first started my grimoire I heard that some witches were adding a table of contents into the beginning of their book. But I am not the greatest at planning ahead and once I add something I don’t like to change things around (I am very particular). So, I didn’t wan’t to add one before, but I think it’s a great idea espessially if you have a digital Grimoire.

Grimoire Table Of Contents

Your Color Correspondences

A lot of colors are pretty universal in the witch world, but colors can have different meanings for every witch. If a color correspondence that most people use doesn’t feel right to you, play around or follow your intuition for what is right for you.

Color correspondences page for your grimiore

Your Herb Correspondences

Same with colors, many herb correspondences may feel off to you. You can change it up and use different herbs for different intentions if you feel like it. But you should record it so you don’t forget down the road what worked for you.

Herb correspondences page for grimiore

Crystal Correspondences

You should record all crystal correspondences you use or are interested in using in your grimoire. The more the better, even if you don’t own them yet. You can always upgrade your collection. It’s easier if you know what they all do so you know what to get. However, sometimes you can walk into a crystal shop and the crystal will pick you. You can follow your intuition to the crystal you need.

Crystal correspondence page for your grimiore

Spells You Have Performed

When you create a spell or ritual or perform one you should record every step you took. Every herb, crystal, intention, and anything else you want to include. Spells can backfire, refuse to work, and sometimes work in weird ways if you aren’t specific about your intention. It is a good idea to write it all down so you can know what went wrong and right. depression

A 'My Spells' page for your grimoire.

Outcomes Of The Performed Spells

You should record all spells you have performed, even if you didn’t create the spell yourself. It’s important to document exactly what you did when you did it, and why you did it. Maybe you did a spell under a waning crescent moon, in June and you have been waiting patiently for it to take effect and it’s not working. Then after a little research, you realize maybe you should have waited for a new moon for a stronger effect.

A 'Spell Outcomes' page for your grimoire.

Crystals You Own

Keeping notes of all your crystals and rocks is a good way to make sure nothing ends up missing. You can write down their correspondences and when you are ready to do a spell you will know exactly which one to grab.

Crystal Correspondence page for your grimoire.

Moon Phases And Astrology

The moon phases are a very important part of witchcraft for many witches. You can write down phases and their meanings to look back on.

Moon Phases and Astrology page for your grimoire.

Zodiac Signs

Incorporating zodiac signs into witchcraft can add more oomph to magical practices. You can write down each zodiac and use them, if you feel like working with them.

Zodiac signs page for your grimoire

Talismans And Amulets

If you have anointed a talisman or amulet with an intention, you should keep track of that in your Book Of Shadows. If you ever cleanse it and change intentions or find a new talisman you should record the change.

A 'My talismans and amulets' page for your grimoire

Divination Records

If you practice divination you should record your meditations and any responses you recived. You can look back on them over time and gain new insight from them.

A dinvination records page for your grimoire

Dreams And Their Interpretation

Writing down and recording your dreams in your grimoire is a great way to keep track of what your subconscious is trying to tell you. Dreams are a little like divination to me, your higher power or ancestors can reach you through your dreams. They may be trying to tell you something about your life. Recording them and looking back later can give you a lot of info about what they were telling you.

A dream page for your grimoire