9 Of The Best Healing Crystals For Crystal Witches

What Is A Crystal Witch?

Crystal Witches practice their craft by focusing on the use of healing crystals. Crystals have healing properties that are different for each one. For instance, Amethyst is great for stress relief and sleep magick. You can read more about crystal correspondences here.

Crystals for crystal Witches

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Healing With Crystals

Crystals are good for so many things- making spell jars, keeping them in a room, and even healing your body. Crystals heal emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Amethyst is great for spirituality and grounding, but is also known as the “Master Healer”. I have used amethyst for headaches and anxiety, it is a pain reliever and helps provide calmning energy.

Many crystal witches use crystal grids to amplify their intentions, it makes the spell or manifestation much stronger. You can create your own grid or purchase grides online or from a metaphysical shop near you.

My Favorite Crystals


There are many different quartz, so I am starting with them.

  • Rose Quartz- A ‘love stone’ that is known for amplifying or attracting romantic love and self love. You can wear it as jewlery, keep it in your bedroom to aid with bedroom romance, or even make a spell jar with it.
  • Smokey Quartz- Believed to help overcome fear and depression. I have a heart shaped smokey quartz that I love to wear when I need help grounding.
  • Clear Quartz- Known for being a ‘Master Healer’. Clear quartz is a balancing stone that can help balance energies. It can also amplify other stones around it to make them stronger.


  • Amethyst- Great for reducing anxiety and calming the mind. This is a good stone to keep as a necklace for everyday use, and also for the bedroom to improve sleep.

Black Tourmaline

  • Black Tourmaline- Use this to remove negativity and protection. This stone is a great day-to-day choice.

Lapis Lazuli

  • Lapis Lazuli- Great for spiritual growth, protection and releases stress for a more peaceful energy.


  • Opal– This is a good stone for changing old habits, like overcoming addiction. It is also known for helping eye problems and keeping them healthy.


  • Labradorite- This is great for protection and aids in psychic ability and wisdom.


  • Citrine- This stone can cleanse your chakras, and can help release anger/negativity while bringing in the joy and positive.

*I include links from partnerships as an affiliate. I receive a commission if you make a purchase, but it doesn’t affect the price on your end. This does not influence which products I write about, my opinions are my own.*

If you are interested in Chakras, come read more about them: Secrets of 9 Chakras: Harness Their Healing Power for Optimal Health