Dollar Store Witchcraft | 21+ Things You Need

Dollar Store Shopping

I found my favorite spell items from the dollar store that I think you will love too. Like everything in life, practicing magick can get pricey. But there are ways around it, remember magick is about intention not pouring all of your money into a spell. If you have a Dollar Tree or similar near you, it is cheaper to visit these stores in person instead of paying for shipping from sites like Amazon.

Shopping bag from dollar store

Herbs And Spices

I use herbs and spices in my witchcraft practice very often. I use them in spells and spell jars. The quality of the spices doesn’t matter as much as the intentions you put behind your practice. Many people use these in their daily lives for consumption, but please always check the expiration date!

Cinnamon– Used for success, spirituality, healing, power, protection, love, luck, prosperity, abundance, strength, money, passion, and psychic powers.

Pepper- Used for protection, strength, releasing jealousy, cleansing, clearing energy blocks, and courage.

Cayenne Pepper- Used for cleansing, and purification, it repels negativity and speeds up a spell when added.

Catnip- Do not consume this from the dollar tree without doing your own research. Catnip is safe for human consumption and even used as a tea. But I don’t know how they package their catnip and what standards are followed for human safety at your store.

Used for any spell with cats/cat deities. Love, beauty, happiness, luck, protection when sleeping, behavioral issues, or breaking a bad habit.

Chocolate- Used for self-love, friendship, love, nurturing, fun, increasing emotional energies, fun, and balance.

Coconut- Used for protection, purification, sweetening up a spell, chastity, lunar magick, and water magick.

Coffee- Used for nightmares, negative thoughts, and to overcome internal blockages. Brings peace of mind and grounding.

Cumin- Used for fidelity, exorcisms, protection, preventing theft, driving out evil, and love spells.

Garlic- Used for healing, protection, purification of spaces and objects, exorcism, guards against negative magic, spirits, or envy of others, brings togetherness of the family, keeps willpower strong, wards off bad weather when worn during outside activities, and absorbs diseases.

Honey- Used for happiness, attraction, solar magick, sweetening up a spell.

Onion- Used for warding off illness, absorbs negative energies, sexual energy, fertility, physical health, and protection.

Parsley- Used for calming the home, protection, prosperity, financial increase, luck, sense of well-being, and strength/ vitality after illness or surgery.


Containers are very useful in witchcraft. If you are like me, I accumulate a lot of trinkets and items in my practice, and keeping things organized is a good idea.

Spell Jars- I love these jars for spells! They are cheap and you can choose whatever size you like. They come in large, medium, and small sizes.

Herb Containers- When I purchase herbs online and they come in little baggies I like to put them into a better container for storage. I like to stack them up and keep them out of the way, and these are great for that!

Storage Jars- Although this jar is something I might find at my grandmother’s house holding something like Q-tips, I love these little jars for holding herbs also. I just think they are so cute and you can paint them for a more witchy effect.

Incense Sticks

Incense sticks are used by many witches, but not all. They are great for cleansing your space, but if you can’t have a lot of smoke in your home there are many alternatives.

Citronella- Used to draw friends to the home and customers to the business.  Promotes persuasiveness, prosperity, and eloquence. Protects and cleanses the aura, encourages self-expression and creativity, and brings clarity to the mind.

Incense Sticks- You can individually buy packs of these in whatever scent you need. You can find scents like Paatchouli, Jasmin, Eucalyptus, Sandalwood, Thyme, Lavender, Lemongrass, Frankincense, and Dragons Blood.



Candles are a widely used witchcraft tool. They can be used for many things and are a very important part of my magick practice.

Citronella- Used to draw friends to the home and customers to the business.  Promotes persuasiveness, prosperity, and eloquence. Protects and cleanses the aura, encourages self-expression and creativity, and brings clarity to the mind.

Taper Candles- You can find taper candles in a few different colors at the dollar store. I have found white, red, ivory, and pink.

Tealight Candles- There are many tealight candles at Dollar Tree and if you don’t want to use real flame they have LED candles also. I have found purple, red, yellow, green, and white tealight candles.

Pillar Candle Holder- These are great for keeping your candles off your table or workspace. The wax will still melt down so make sure you have a protective layer under if you don’t want wax on your table or altar.