9 Spells You “Need” To Include In Your Magickal Practice

What Spells Do You “NEED” In Your Craft?

The spells you want in your craft are completely up to you. But I do think that a lot of these spells are important and can help you further your craft or help you in life. Whether you choose to implement any of these spells into your life or not, is all up to you. I hope you enjoy the read!

Preparing For A Spell

Before performing a magick spell you need to prepare yourself and the area. You need to cleanse and protect yourself. Carving protection symbols into spell candles or keeping them on your altar where you do your spell work is a great way to provide a protection boost.

Theh Hamsa Hand for protection.
Algiz symbol for protection
Evil eye for protection

*I include links from partnerships as an affiliate. I receive a commission if you make a purchase, but it doesn’t affect the price on your end. This does not influence which products I write about, my opinions are my own.*


1. Happiness Spell

Before practicing a spell please make sure you have protections in place. You can carve the Algiz symbol into your spell candle to bring protective energy to your spell. Or you can ask your ancestors for protection if you participate in ancestral magick.

Cleanse your space. You can cleanse your space in many ways, such as: Smoke, sound, steam, or visualization.

Set your intention for happiness and gather your supplies for the spell.


If you are missing one or two herbs it’s not a big deal. They all have the correspondences of happiness. But I reccomend having all or as many as you can.

  • Chamomile
  • Cinnamon
  • Mint
  • Catnip
  • Honey
  • Sunflower Oil
  • Yellow Candle
  • Cauldon or mixing bowl

To begin, light your yellow candle.

Pour the sunflower oil into your cauldron. Add the chamomile, cinnamon, mint, catnip, and honey into your oil. Stir your oil 3 times clockwise while saying this affirmation “I am happy and deserve happiness.”

You can do a few things at this point- strain the oil into a spell jar and seal it with yellow wax to keep it as a happiness spell jar. Or you can meditate on the energy and keep repeating your affirmation “I am happy and deserve happiness.”

To discard your used spell ingredients, just throw them into the trash, compost it, or save the oil for your next happiness spell. (I know. It’s not very magickal, but they are the most envirornmentally friendly options. Oil should not be poured outdoors. And it is pretty magickal to protect the Earth and Mother Nature.)

2. Money Spell

Before practicing a spell please make sure you have protections in place. You can carve the Algiz symbol into your spell candle to bring protective energy to your spell. Or you can ask your ancestors for protection if you participate in ancestral magick.

Cleanse your space. You can cleanse your space in many ways, such as: Smoke, sound, steam, or visualization.

Set your intention for money and gather your supplies for the spell.


If you are missing one or two herbs it’s not a big deal. They all have the correspondences of money/wealth . But I reccomend having all or as many as you can.

  • Allspice
  • Cinnamon
  • Clove
  • Nutmeg
  • Pine
  • Rice
  • Almond Oil
  • Green Candle
  • Cauldon or mixing bowl

To begin, light your green candle.

Pour the almond oil into your cauldron. Add the allspice, cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, pin, and rice into your oil. Stir your oil 3 times clockwise while saying this affirmation “Money comes to me easily.” If you are looking for a specific amount you should say that amount. “I have $500 in my bank account.”

You can do a few things at this point- strain the oil into a spell jar and seal it with green wax to keep it as a money spell jar. Or you can meditate on the energy and keep repeating your affirmation- “I have $500 in my bank account.”

To discard your used spell ingredients, just throw them into the trash, compost it, or save the oil for your next money spell. (I know. It’s not very magickal, but they are the most envirornmentally friendly options. Oil should not be poured outdoors. And it is pretty magickal to protect the Earth and Mother Nature.)

3. Anti- Anxiety Spell

Before practicing a spell please make sure you have protections in place. You can carve the Algiz symbol into your spell candle to bring protective energy to your spell. Or you can ask your ancestors for protection if you participate in ancestral magick.

Cleanse your space. You can cleanse your space in many ways, such as: Smoke, sound, steam, or visualization.

Set your intention for money and gather your supplies for the spell.


If you are missing one or two herbs it’s not a big deal. They all have the correspondences of calming, peace or anti-anxiety. But I reccomend having all or as many as you can.

  • Chamomile
  • Cannabis
  • Coriander
  • Lavender
  • Tobacco
  • Candle (Your choice between white, purple or blue. Chose the one that calls you most)
  • Almond Oil

To begin, light your candle.

Pour the almond oil into your cauldron. Add the chamomile, cannabis, coriander, lavender and tobacco into your oil. Stir your oil 3 times clockwise while saying these affirmations “Anxiety does not control me”, “I am confident”, or “I am safe”. Choose the affirmation that means the most to you and your situations.

You can do a few things at this point- strain the oil into a spell jar and seal it with candle wax to keep it as an anti-anxiety spell jar. Or you can meditate on the energy and keep repeating your affirmation- “I am safe”.

To discard your used spell ingredients, just throw them into the trash, compost it, or save the oil for your next money spell. (I know. It’s not very magickal, but they are the most envirornmentally friendly options. Oil should not be poured outdoors. And it is pretty magickal to protect the Earth and Mother Nature.)

4. Protection Spell

Before practicing a spell please make sure you have protections in place. You can carve the Algiz symbol into your spell candle to bring protective energy to your spell. Or you can ask your ancestors for protection if you participate in ancestral magick.

Cleanse your space. You can cleanse your space in many ways, such as: Smoke, sound, steam, or visualization.

Set your intention for money and gather your supplies for the spell.


If you are missing one or two herbs it’s not a big deal. They all have the correspondences of protection. But I reccomend having all or as many as you can.

  • Allspice
  • Ash from smoke cleansing
  • Basil
  • Black Pepper
  • Cannabis
  • Cinnamon
  • Coconut Flakes
  • Salt
  • Coconut Oil
  • Black Candle

To begin, light your black candle.

Place the coconut oil into your cauldron. Add the chamomile, cannabis, coriander, lavender and tobacco into your oil. Stir your oil 3 times clockwise while saying this affirmation “I am protected from all energies, and people who mean me harm.”

You can do a few things at this point- strain the oil into a spell jar and seal it with the candle wax to keep it as a protection spell jar. Or you can meditate on the energy and keep repeating your affirmation- “I am protected from all energies, and people who mean me harm”.

To discard your used spell ingredients, just throw them into the trash, compost it, or save the oil for your next protection spell. (I know. It’s not very magickal, but they are the most envirornmentally friendly options. Oil should not be poured outdoors. And it is pretty magickal to protect the Earth and Mother Nature.)

5. Success Spell

Before practicing a spell please make sure you have protections in place. You can carve the Algiz symbol into your spell candle to bring protective energy to your spell. Or you can ask your ancestors for protection if you participate in ancestral magick.

Cleanse your space. You can cleanse your space in many ways, such as: Smoke, sound, steam, or visualization.

Set your intention for money and gather your supplies for the spell.


If you are missing one or two herbs it’s not a big deal. They all have the correspondences of success. But I reccomend having all or as many as you can.

  • Basil
  • Cinnamon
  • Peppermint
  • Pine
  • Avocado Oil
  • Orange Candle

To begin, light your orange candle.

Pour the avocado oil into your cauldron. Add the basil, cinnamon, peppermint, and pine into your oil. Stir your oil 3 times clockwise while saying this affirmation “I am successful.”

You can do a few things at this point- strain the oil into a spell jar and seal it with the orange candle wax to keep it as a success spell jar. Or you can meditate on the energy and keep repeating your affirmation- “I am successful”.

To discard your used spell ingredients, just throw them into the trash, compost it, or save the oil for your next success spell. (I know. It’s not very magickal, but they are the most envirornmentally friendly options. Oil should not be poured outdoors. And it is pretty magickal to protect the Earth and Mother Nature.)

6. Magic Mirror Spell

Before practicing a spell please make sure you have protections in place. You can carve the Algiz symbol into your spell candle to bring protective energy to your spell. Or you can ask your ancestors for protection if you participate in ancestral magick.

Cleanse your space. You can cleanse your space in many ways, such as: Smoke, sound, steam, or visualization.

Set your intention for money and gather your supplies for the spell.


  • Moon or Sun water
  • Window or mirror
  • Your finger
  • Symbol you want to draw (For protection, happiness, or even for a peaceful home)

Pour the water into a little bowl and dip your finger into the water. draw your symbol of choice onto your surface and close your eyes to meditate on the energy you are giving the symbol and keep repeating your affirmation- “I am protected.”, “I am happy.”, or “This is a peaceful home”.

To discard of your water, you can either save it to use for your next corresponding spell or dump it outside.

7. Removing Negativity

Before practicing a spell please make sure you have protections in place. You can carve the Algiz symbol into your spell candle to bring protective energy to your spell. Or you can ask your ancestors for protection if you participate in ancestral magick.

Cleanse your space. You can cleanse your space in many ways, such as: Smoke, sound, steam, or visualization.

Set your intention for money and gather your supplies for the spell.


If you are missing one or two herbs it’s not a big deal. They all have the correspondences of success. But I reccomend having all or as many as you can.

  • Cannabis
  • Cayenne
  • Nettle
  • Pine
  • Rosemary
  • Yarrow
  • Sage Ticture Or Essential Oil
  • Black Candle

To begin, light your black candle.

Pour the ticture or essential oil into your cauldron. Add the cannabis, cayenne, nettle pine, rosemary and yarrow into your oil. Stir your oil 3 times clockwise while saying this affirmation “I am full of positive energy”

You can do a few things at this point- strain the oil into a spell jar and seal it with the black candle wax to keep it as a success spell jar. Or you can meditate on the energy and keep repeating your affirmation- “I am full of positive energy”.

To discard your used spell ingredients, just throw them into the trash, compost it, or save the oil for your next negativity spell. (I know. It’s not very magickal, but they are the most envirornmentally friendly options. Oil should not be poured outdoors. And it is pretty magickal to protect the Earth and Mother Nature.)

8. Banishing Spell

Before practicing a spell please make sure you have protections in place. You can carve the Algiz symbol into your spell candle to bring protective energy to your spell. Or you can ask your ancestors for protection if you participate in ancestral magick.

Cleanse your space. You can cleanse your space in many ways, such as: Smoke, sound, steam, or visualization.

Set your intention for money and gather your supplies for the spell.


If you are missing one or two herbs it’s not a big deal. They all have the correspondences of success. But I reccomend having all or as many as you can.

  • Black Pepper
  • Salt
  • St. Johns’s Wort
  • Almond Oil
  • Photo or name of person or thing you want to banish (Or just invision it in your mind)
  • Black Candle

To begin, light your black candle.

If you are using paper or a photo place it under your cauldron. If you are not using a physical representation for what you want to banish, you can visualize it) Pour the almond oil into your cauldron. Add the black pepper, salt and St. Johns wort into your oil. Stir your oil 3 times clockwise while saying this affirmation “I banish you from my life.” Vizualize in your mind the person or thing being seperated by an impenetrable wall.

You can do a few things at this point- strain the oil into a spell jar and seal it with the black candle wax to keep it as a success spell jar. Or you can meditate on the energy and keep repeating your affirmation- “I banish you from my life”.

To discard your used spell ingredients, just throw them into the trash, compost it, or save the oil for your next negativity spell. (I know. It’s not very magickal, but they are the most envirornmentally friendly options. Oil should not be poured outdoors. And it is pretty magickal to protect the Earth and Mother Nature.)

9. Self- Love Spell

Before practicing a spell please make sure you have protections in place. You can carve the Algiz symbol into your spell candle to bring protective energy to your spell. Or you can ask your ancestors for protection if you participate in ancestral magick.

Cleanse your space. You can cleanse your space in many ways, such as: Smoke, sound, steam, or visualization.

Set your intention for money and gather your supplies for the spell.


If you are missing one or two herbs it’s not a big deal. They all have the correspondences of success. But I reccomend having all or as many as you can.

  • Rose Petals
  • Basil
  • Cannabis
  • Catnip
  • Cinnamon
  • Avocado Oil
  • Pink Candle

To begin, light your pink candle.

Pour the avocado oil into your cauldron. Add the rose petals, basil, cannabis, and cinnamon into your oil. Stir your oil 3 times clockwise while saying this affirmation “I am worthy of being loved and cherished.”

You can do a few things at this point- strain the oil into a spell jar and seal it with the pink candle wax to keep it as a success spell jar. Or you can meditate on the energy and keep repeating your affirmation- “I banish you from my life”.

To discard your used spell ingredients, just throw them into the trash, compost it, or save the oil for your next negativity spell. (I know. It’s not very magickal, but they are the most envirornmentally friendly options. Oil should not be poured outdoors. And it is pretty magickal to protect the Earth and Mother Nature.)

*I include links from partnerships as an affiliate. I receive a commission if you make a purchase, but it doesn’t affect the price on your end. This does not influence which products I write about, my opinions are my own.*