How To Smoke Cleanse Your Home | 8 Great Options

What Is “Smudging”?

A bowl with sage, palo santo clear quartz and a dried rose. The sage is for cleansing

“Smudging” is the Native American phrase to smoke cleanse. Smudging that is done with white sage or palo santo, is saved as a Native American practice. A lot of other ethnicities cleanse with them also, and it is a kind of controversial topic. A lot of people think it’s cultural appropriation, and some people disagree.

And while white sage isn’t yet endangered, it is an over-harvested plant which can lead to it being endangered. So whether it’s endangered or not, I truly believe it should be kept for our Native Americans. They see “smudging” with white sage and palo santo as a very spiritual and sacred practice, more than the non-Natives could understand and I think it’s our job to respect that.

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What All Can I Burn?

Smoke Cleansing with cone incense

Burning different things can have different meanings also.

  • Palo Santo: This is a Native American cleansing practice, and means “holy wood”. It is used for treating pain and stress, and is also used for clearing out negative energy.
  • Myrrh Incense Stick: Creates space for meditation and spiritual reflection. Can alleviate nervous system disorder symptoms.
  • White Sage: This is another Native American cleansing practice. White sage is used for creating calm and peaceful environment and the most obvious- clearing out negative emotions, thoughts, and energies.
  • Lavender Incense Sticks: Used for clarity, tranquility, purity, love, and cleansing.
  • Mugwort: For dreaming, divination, and cleansing.
  • Dragon’s Blood Incense: Great for protection, healing, banishing, and cleansing.
  • Dragon’s Blood White Sage: Used for love, protection, healing, manifestation, warding off evil, and cleansing negative energy.
  • Frankincense: Used for purity, anxiety, banishing, protection, purification, and strength.

Are There Alternatives To A Smoke Cleanse?

Yes! There are many cleansing alternatives to smoke cleansing. There have been research results showing that incense is bad for your health. If you are using incense sticks I recommend always having good ventalation and never use them it small spaces. Incense sticks have VOC compounds, that been linked to cancer, asthma, worsening brain health, increased transmission of viruses (like Covid-19), hypertension in pregnant women, developmental delays in children, and inflammation in your body and lungs. Always take precations and be careful.

A Few Alternatives Are:

  • Sound Cleansing- Using a witches bell, chanting, or even your favorite music, you can cleanse your house. Once you wake up that energy you can tell it to leave. Tell the negative energy to leave and only high vibrations are welcome here.
  • Moon Water Misting– During the full moon, many witches make moon water. You can make it by leaving a glass or container of water on your window seal or outside overnight. Make sure to bring in your water before the sunrise. Once you have some moon water you can bottle it in a spray bottle and spritz it around the house to cleanse everything.
  • Simmer Pot Steaming- Boil up a beautiful simmer pot. I love using lemon, oranges, rosemary, and some essential oils. Once the pot is boiling you can take the pot itself, or add water to something easier to carry. Open up those windows, then just walk around the room to cleanse with the scented steam. I find this is most useful for rooms, not a whole house.
  • Visualization– Open windows or doors then use your mind to visualize a bright white light. Take that light around your house, cleansing every corner. Visualize the energy leaving, and tell it to go.
  • Cleaning Physically (Really!)-Cleaning your house from junk, dirty floors, dirty walls, piles of mail, etc, can be a great way to remove negative energy. I always feel your house should be clean physically before even worrying about the magickal cleansing. Energy loves messes, clutter, and hiding behind our mundane problems. Cleaning your house can improve the energy just like that. I always open doors or windows to get some fresh air. Switching out the stagnant energy in my house for some fresh energy from outside.
  • Your Voice To Banish Energy- Open windows and/or doors, and just use your voice to tell the energy, vibrations, or spirits to leave.
All of the moon phases, in a circle with the full moon in the center

*I include links from partnerships as an affiliate. I receive a commission if you make a purchase, but it doesn’t affect the price on your end. This does not influence which products I write about, my opinions are my own.*

Come See My Post About How To Use The Phases Of The Moon In Witchcraft.

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