How To Use Dream Magick To Empower Your Life

What Is Dream Magick?

Dream magick isn’t widely used by many witches, and is a little hard to find information on. But I think it is such a great practice and we should all be doing it. Analyzing dreams is something that not only witches do, because many people beleive that are dreams are our supconcious or a higher power trying to tell us something. Dreams have meaning, and it can benefit our daily life to understand them.

If you have trouble remembering your dreams, have nightmares, or want to practice more like astral projection, you can keep sachets with you when you sleep. Fill a sachet with herbs, oils, and crystals that align with your intention, and sleep with it under your pillow, or near you.

Always have protection in place before falling asleep. By this, I mainly mean spiritual protection. Crystals like Black Tourmaline are great are providing protection, so negative energies don’t interfere with our sleep. This can help us avoid nightmares. If you are doing more advanced sleep magick like astral projection it is super important to make sure you have protection from negative spirits and energies.

Dream Magick

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Keeping A Sleep Journal

Keeping a sleep journal is a great way to record your dreams. You can keep track of them, and look back to see what they were trying to tell you. Maybe you had a dream that you thought meant nothing, and then a week later something came up but you didn’t realize they were connected. Looking back to past dreams can help you understand your future and once you figure out how to decipher them and use them, it can be amazing what they tell you.

Some people who practice dream magick prefer to draw what they saw, instead of writing it out with words. This can be a great way to get more detail into your memories. As you draw you may remember more and more.

Recording Dreams With Voice Recorder

If using a paper and pen first thing in the morning isn’t really how you want to start your day, you can use a voice recorder on your phone. Sometimes it’s easier to say what happened then to write it out. Writing can take so long, you could forget while your writing. Or maybe your handwritting isnt the best when you wake up and you wont be able to read it later, which is the most important part.

Getting an app on your phone if you don’t already have one is free and easy. Or you could just use your phone’s notepad, and use the voice option to get it written down. Just don’t forget your dream while trying to find your phone and get the app ready!

Inducing Dreaming

If you have trouble remembering your dreams in the first place I recommend making a sleep sachet with these to help you with your dream magick.


  • Mugwort- Aids in opening the mind, prevents nightmares, and aids in sleep.
  • Lavender Popular for stress relief and calming before bed, which should help your memory of dreams. Even a lavender bath will help.
  • Valerian Root- Known as a sedative, can enhance vividness of dreams and aid in memory of them.
  • Chamomile- Calms the body and mind, which can help you remember your dreams.
  • Ginkgo- Improves memory and brain function which will help enhance the vividness of dreams.
  • Lemon Balm- Can improve memory and brain function to help with cognitive functions and memory recall. You can take this as a warm tea before bed.
  • Catnip- Yes, really. Catnip isn’t just for cats. It is amazing for sleep actually, and is known to help induce dreaming.


  • Amethyst- Improves dream recall.
  • Clear Quartz– Amplifies other crystals.
  • Moonstone– Aids in lucid dreaming and promotes good sleep.
  • Selenite- Aids in undisturbed and calm sleep, which can help you remember your dreams.
  • Black Tourmaline- Protects from nightmares.
  • Howlite- Aids in calm sleep and releasing stress which can help you remember your dreams.
  • Lapis Lazuli- Encourages vivid dreaming and helps you understand those dreams.
  • Lepidolite– Can increase chances of ludic dreaming and protects against negative energies while sleeping.
  • Smoky Quartz- Increases memory recalls and aids in more vivid dreams.

Astral Projection

Astral projection is basically an out-of-body experience. Your spirit, essence, or spiritual body leaves your physical body. You are still connected and can return whenever. Some people can see themselves floating near their bodies. But you can move around, you have the freedom to go anywhere. In my experience, it’s not for beginners and you should focus on working with your dreams for a while until you feel comfortable first. Lucid dreaming is a step in the right direction. Being aware that you are asleep and being able to control your dreams is a first step for many people who have experienced astral projection.

While it’s not dangerous, it is hard to achieve. Most people don’t truly believe that it’s even possible. I have not been able to reach this level of control. But with proper understanding, practice, and the help of crystals and herbs, I know I will one day.

*I include links from partnerships as an affiliate. I receive a commission if you make a purchase, but it doesn’t affect the price on your end. This does not influence which products I write about, my opinions are my own.*

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