How To Use 12 Incense Sticks Scents In Magick

Incense sticks are used in witchcraft, although not every witch uses them. Some witches have living place or health restrictions. So I made an article on learning about them and their scent correspondences for you!

Women meditating with incense sticks, candles and decor.

Health Risks

There are many cleansing alternatives to smoke cleansing. Please, consider the health risks before using it in your practices. There have been research results showing that incense is bad for your health. If you are using incense sticks I recommend always having good ventalation and never use them it small spaces. Incense sticks have VOC compounds, that been linked to cancer, asthma, worsening brain health, increased transmission of viruses (like Covid-19), hypertension in pregnant women, developmental delays in children, and inflammation in your body and lungs. Always take precations and be careful.

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Why do we use incense sticks anyway?

Using incense sticks in witchcraft is a common practice that goes back for centuries. They have the power to purify and cleanse energy, remove negative energy, and create a sacred space. You can use it during rituals, ceremonies, and spellwork to enhance your focus and intention.

I usually light up a stick or two while I am making a spell jar or doing a ritual that corresponds with the scent. If I am making a spell jar for Protection, I would use a Frankincense or Dragon’s Blood normally. Just for that little bit of help in the spell.

When using incense sticks in witchcraft, it is important to choose scents that correspond with the spell you are doing. Different fragrances carry different energetic properties, so picking the right scent can greatly enhance the outcome. For example, lavender is often used for relaxation and healing, while frankincense is used for purification and spiritual connection.

To use incense sticks, start by lighting the tip on fire and allowing it to burn for a few seconds before blowing it out. The smoldering end of the stick will release fragrant smoke, which can be used to cleanse sacred objects, consecrate a space, or invoke specific energies. You can wave the stick around an area, object, or yourself to move the smoke and set intentions.

Incorporating incense sticks into your witchcraft practice can add depth and intention to your rituals. Experiment with different scents and conduct your work safely and respectfully, allowing the power of fragrant smoke to enhance your magical practice.

It is important to use caution when working with incense sticks. Always ensure that you have a heat-resistant surface to place the burning stick on, as well as proper ventilation to avoid inhaling too much smoke. Be mindful of any allergies or sensitivities to certain scents.

Incense stick holder

When using incense in any form, you should be using a holder so the stick doesn’t cause a fire. The stick gets hot enough it could cause injury or damage if you’re not careful. I prefer to use a holder that is pretty plain, without decoration or grooves for the ashes to get stuck in. I use my ashes to make black salt, which is great for protection. So if you can collect your ashes, I would highly recommend it.

Incense stick burning in a holder

Most witches use incense, but what do all the scents mean?

  • Sandalwood– Healing, reincarnation, consecrates, purifies, psychic development, and spiritual awareness.
  • Frankincense-Positive vibrations, drives away negativity, purification, spiritual growth, helps anxiety and depression, protection, and psychic visions.
  • Myrrh– Anointing, exorcism, healing, purification, cleansing, amplifies intentions, meditation, contemplation, banishes negativity, and protection.
  • Copal– Love, purification, protection, spirituality, and uplifting spirits.
  • Bayberry- Protection, happiness, money, prosperity, control, and good luck,
  • Cinnamon- Divination, good luck, lust, protection, money and abundance.
  • Dragon’s Blood– Love, protection, exorcism, consecration, good luck, courage, binding, creativity, purification and cleansing.
  • Benzoin– Astral projection, purification, business, removes negative energy, and emotional balance.
  • Patchouli– Happiness, joy, love, money, prosperity, fertility, courage, luck, banishing, peace, and protection.
  • Vetiver– Breaking curses, and protection
  • Lavender– Healing, sleep, peacefulness, relieves stress, anointing, exorcism, happiness, peace, purification and cleansing.
  • Rose– Love, desire, luck, grief, healing, peace, anointing, banishing, divination, and happiness.

*I include links from partnerships as an affiliate. I receive a commission if you make a purchase, but it doesn’t affect the price on your end. This does not influence which products I write about, my opinions are my own.*

Herbs also have correspondences, you can find them here.

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