How To Create 6 Easy Spell Jars

Are you looking for the ‘Must Do’ spells to try in your craft?

These spells are perfect to add to your craft! Try them out for yourself and remember, it’s all about intent and belief.

*I include links from partnerships as an affiliate. I receive a commission if you make a purchase, but it doesn’t affect the price on your end. This does not influence which products I write about, my opinions are my own.*

Crystal kit of small crystals in jars

Before Crafting Spells, You Should To Take These Steps To Prepare:

Prepare Yourself

You should wait to do a spell if you are feeling heated in the moment, depressed or hyper. You should regulate yourself, calm down to your natural state, and then re-evaluate. Maybe what you are doing a spell for, can be handled mundanly? Make sure that whatever you do now, you won’t regret later. It is a lot harder to undo a spell than to do it in the first place.

Maybe take a nice bath, or a calm slow walk, or watch a TV show. Just make sure that your body is ready. Performing a spell can take a lot of energy out of you, make sure you’re hydrated and really ready to go. Listen to your body, it will tell you if you need something first.

Cleansing Your Space

You should cleanse your area of all negative energies or low vibrations. You can spray Florida water or moon water. Use witch bells or other sounds. Smoke from incense, sage, palo santo or dried rosemary bundles.

But whatever you use make sure to open all windows and/or doors so the negativity has somewhere to go. You don’t want to just move it around your house, you want it out. You can say out loud a little mantra while cleansing, so they know what you are expecting. A simple line like “All negative energies must leave my house now. You can not stay here.” Whatever you chose, remember you are asking something to leave, you don’t want to upset it.


Before messing with magick, you should make sure you are protected. Having magical protection is extremely important. You can say a verbal spell, carve a protection symbol into your spell candles, and even create protection spell jars.

Set Your Intentions

What do you want from the spell? Is it a love spell? Or maybe good luck finding a job? Whatever you want, you need to know for sure, so you can get the correct supplies. Write down your intention, and really figure out the specifics. If you say you want a spell for a relationship, you need to be specific that you’re looking for a long-term commitment, not a one night stand or maybe a cat. You need to be exact.

Gather Supplies

You need to research and find the supplies needed for this kind of spell. Not all things are created equally. You don’t want to use the wrong things, because the spell won’t work the same. Like for love spells you really should include Rose Petals or Rose Water. Or if you are looking for a protection spell you should use Rosemary and/or St. Johns Wort. Herb Correspondences are an important part of witchcraft and spell crafting, but so are crystals, colors, moon phases and more. Do your own research when creating your own spells.


You want to make sure you are grounded and centered before performing a spell. Try sitting or standing barefoot on the ground. Making sure you are flat footed, and close your eyes and envision your feet having tree roots growing out of them. Bring those roots through the floor, into the dirt under your house, and keep going as much as you can. Wrap your roots around something to anchor you there. You want to feel sturdy, strong, and immobile.

Once you feel grounded, take a few deep breaths, feeling the Earth from your feet up to your crown. Once you are ready, you can move on to creating your spell.

If You Are Doing A Verbal Spell, Write It Down

If you will be saying something, you should write it down. Don’t wing it and hope for the best. Witchcraft and spellcasting should be a planned event, you don’t want to make a mistake. Plan your spell and write down word for word what you want. Write as if it has already happened, not a wish. Like “I got the job”. “I have a partner”. Write it as if it has already happened. You are manifesting your spell intention into your life.

Perform Your Spell

When you feel ready for your spell, light your candles, use your herbs, crystals, and whatever you have for your spell. Say your spell, create your jar or sachet, and try to complete it in one go without any interruptions. If you get interrupted it could harm your spell. You could lose focus and not be giving it your all. Sometimes being distracted is okay and nothing happens, other times you may need to start your spell all over again.

Notes- Write Down Everything Of Important

Keep paper and pen with you while you are doing your spell, dont record anything if you feel like it will take you out of the zone. You want to focus, but I would recommend writing down all that you remember after the spell is complete. If you lit a candle, was the flame flickering, or was it tall? Did you feel, see or hear anything? Don’t discredit anything at this point. Especially if you were asking for a sign about something. Everything you notice here could help you in the long run, you don’t want to forget what happened here.

Box that says " natural gemstone kit 30 pcs". Two spell jars in mesh bags sit next to the box

This kit of tiny crystals is perfect for spell jars. I personally have it and love it.

Self Love Spell Jar-

3 Self Love spell jars

What you will need for your spells:

  • Glass Spell Jars– Plastic Jars Could Melt Once You Add The Hot Wax
  • Pen/Marker-For Writing On The Bay Leaf
  • Bay Leaf- Wishes
  • Rose petals– Love
  • Pink Himalayan Salt– Self Love
  • Lavender– Love, Healing, Peace, Healing From Depression.
  • Rosemary– Healing, Love, Removing Negative Energy,
  • Cinnamon-Healing, Love, Prosperity, Strength
  • Rose Quartz Crystals– Love, Healing, Boost Feelings of Peace and Calm
  • Pink Candle- Love, affection

First, you want to cleanse your jar, inside and out. Then take all of your items and place them into the jar one by one (using a funnel can be really helpful here), saying at loud or in your head what you want each item to do. “Rose petals for love”. On the bay leaf, you want to write affirmations. Write the affirmations as if they have already happened, “I am happy”, or “I love myself”.

Then light your pink candle, once it starts to melt it will start dripping. Hold the candle over the lid and let it drip over the top. While the wax is still wet you can add some rose quartz into the wet wax too.

You can keep this jar on you, in your purse or bag. Or you can leave it at home where you will see it daily. Put it on your sink vanity so you see it while getting ready every day. Give it a little shake and say an affirmation and let it do its work.

Do not keep jars in the car during warm weather if they are sealed with wax, the wax will melt in the heat and ruin your car.

Protection Spell Jar-

Wooden bowl of salt

What you will need for your spells:

  • Glass Spell Jars– Plastic Jars Could Melt Once You Add The Hot Wax
  • Basil-Protection
  • Parsley-Protection
  • Tiny Black Hematite Crystals-Security And Survival
  • Tiny Smoky Quartz Crystals-Grounding, Dispersing Fear Or Negativity
  • Pine Needles-Drives Out Spirits, Removes Mental Negativity
  • Salt– Protection
  • Paper and Pen- To Write Intentions
  • Black Candle- To seal jar

Cleanse your space and your jar- inside and out. Add your spell items into the jar one by one (you can use a funnel to help you). As you are adding them say out loud or in your head what you want the item to do, “Basil for protection”. When you get all the items inside take your paper and write an affirmation on it as if it has already happened ” I am safe”, “I am protected” then fold the paper towards yourself 3 times. Put the paper into the jar and put the lid on.

Light your black candle and once it starts to melt you can hold it over the jar to seal it closed. You can add some crystals to the top of the wet wax.

You can keep the jar with you in your purse or bag. Or you can leave it at home where you will see it every day. You can keep it beside your bed so you are near it at night. Give it a little shake when you need protection and let it do its magick.

Do not keep jars in the car during warm weather if they are sealed with wax, the wax will melt in the heat and ruin your car.

Good Luck Spell Jar-

Tipped over container of chamomile flowers.

What you will need for your spells:

  • Glass Spell Jars– Plastic Jars Could Melt Once You Add The Hot Wax
  • Bay Leaf-For Wishing
  • Catnip- Luck
  • Chamomile- Luck
  • Cinnamon-Luck
  • Allspice- Bringing Luck
  • Amethyst-Bringing In Spiritual Luck
  • CarnelianLuck And Confidence
  • Citrine-Luck
  • Orange Candle- Good Luck
  • Paper/Pen– Writing Down Intentions

Cleanse your space and your jar- inside and out. Add your spell items into the jar one by one (you can use a funnel to help you). As you are adding them say out loud or in your head what you want the item to do, “Catnip for Good Luck”. When you get all the items inside take your paper and write an affirmation on it as if it has already happened ” I am lucky”, “I have good luck” then fold the paper towards yourself 3 times. Put the paper into the jar and put the lid on.

Light your Orange candle and once it starts to melt you can hold it over the jar to seal it closed. You can add some crystals to the top of the wet wax.

You can keep this jar on you, in your purse or bag. Or you can leave it at home where you will see it daily. Put it on your sink vanity so you see it while getting ready every day. Give it a little shake and say an affirmation for luck and let it do its work.

Do not keep jars in the car during warm weather if they are sealed with wax, the wax will melt in the heat and ruin your car.

Happiness Spell Jar-

Pink spell candle

What you will need for your spells:

  • Glass Spell Jars– Plastic Jars Could Melt Once You Add The Hot Wax
  • Catnip-Happiness
  • Honey- Happiness
  • Peppermint-Happiness
  • Rose-Happiness
  • Sunstone– Joy, Enjoyment Of Life
  • Citrine– Warm, Energising
  • Rose Quartz-Love
  • Tigers Eye-Focusing The Mind, Resolving Problems
  • Pink Candle– Happiness, love
  • Paper/Pen-Writing your intention

Cleanse your space and your jar- inside and out. Add your spell items into the jar one by one (you can use a funnel to help you). As you are adding them say out loud or in your head what you want the item to do, “Peppermint for happiness”. When you get all the items inside take your paper and write an affirmation on it as if it has already happened ” I am happy”, then fold the paper towards yourself 3 times. Put the paper into the jar and put the lid on.

Light your pink candle and once it starts to melt you can hold it over the jar to seal it closed. You can add some crystals to the top of the wet wax.

You can keep this jar on you, in your purse or bag. Or you can leave it at home where you will see it daily. Put it on your sink vanity so you see it while getting ready every day. Give it a little shake and say an affirmation and let it do its work.

Do not keep jars in the car during warm weather if they are sealed with wax, the wax will melt in the heat and ruin your car.

Success Spell Jar-

3 Bay leaves

What you will need for your spells:

  • Glass Spell Jars– Plastic Jars Could Melt Once You Add The Hot Wax
  • Basil- Success
  • Bay Leaf- Success, Wishes
  • Cinnamon- Success
  • Pine- Success
  • Peppermint- Success
  • Citrine- Success, prosperity
  • Green Aventurine-Wealth, abundance
  • Tiger’s Eye– confidence, strength
  • Yellow Candle-Success
  • Paper/Pen– To write intentions

Cleanse your space and your jar- inside and out. Add your spell items into the jar one by one (you can use a funnel to help you). As you are adding them say out loud or in your head what you want the item to do, “Basil for Success”. When you get all the items inside take your paper and write an affirmation on it as if it has already happened ” I have success”, then fold the paper towards yourself 3 times. Put the paper into the jar and put the lid on.

Light your yellow candle and once it starts to melt you can hold it over the jar to seal it closed. You can add some crystals to the top of the wet wax.

You can keep this jar on you, in your purse or bag. Or you can leave it at home where you will see it daily. Put it on your sink vanity so you see it while getting ready every day. Give it a little shake and say an affirmation and let it do its work.

Do not keep jars in the car during warm weather if they are sealed with wax, the wax will melt in the heat and ruin your car.

Money Spell Jar-

3 cinnamon sticks and powder

What you will need for your spells:

  • Glass Spell Jars– Plastic Jars Could Melt Once You Add The Hot Wax
  • Green Aventurine Crystal– Abundance
  • Rice– Money
  • Mint– Money
  • Cinnamon– Money, Abundance
  • Chamomile- Money, Luck
  • Bay Leaf- Wishing, Manifesting
  • Money/Change- Your own money to add.
  • Green Candle– Money, Abundance
  • Paper/Pen– To write intention

Cleanse your space and your jar- inside and out. Add your spell items into the jar one by one (you can use a funnel to help you). As you are adding them say out loud or in your head what you want the item to do, “Rice for Money”. When you get all the items inside take your paper and write an affirmation on it as if it has already happened ” I have money/wealth”, then fold the paper towards yourself 3 times. Put the paper into the jar and put the lid on.

Light your green candle and once it starts to melt you can hold it over the jar to seal it closed. You can add some crystals to the top of the wet wax.

You can keep this jar on you, in your purse or bag. Or you can leave it at home where you will see it daily. Put it on your sink vanity so you see it while getting ready every day. Give it a little shake and say an affirmation for money and let it do its work.

Do not keep jars in the car during warm weather if they are sealed with wax, the wax will melt in the heat and ruin your car.

*I include links from partnerships as an affiliate. I receive a commission if you make a purchase, but it doesn’t affect the price on your end. This does not influence which products I write about, my opinions are my own.*

Check out my page on Crystal Correspondences!