Secrets of 9 Chakras: Harness Their Healing Power for Optimal Health

Decoding healing chakras- the energy centers within the human body. They have long been respected for their crucial role in promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. In the search for holistic approaches to healing, understanding the significance of chakras is very important.

Chakra levels

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These spinning vortexes of energy are believed to be interconnected and aligned along the spine, each with its own unique characteristics and associated benefits. Engaging with these chakras through various practices can facilitate the process of healing, helping to restore harmony and balance in our lives.

What does Yin and Yang have to do with Chakras?

Yin and Yang are the positive and negative forces in all things. Yin is the feminine and Yang is the masculine. They are two parts of a whole and must be equal. To feel healthy physically, spiritually and emotionally you need to balance these out.

What Do Crystals Have To Do With It?

Crystals are amazing at working with our bodies energy. Crystals can decrease and increase our Yin and Yang energies if we choose the right ones to work with.

Yin crystals are amber, aquamarine, agates, calcite, fluorite, jade, moonstone, clear quartz, amethyst, and rose quartz.

Yang crystals are Sapphire, rutilated quartz, smoky quartz, obsidian, lapis lazuli, malachite, gernet, diamond, carnelian, fire opal.

Holding a smoky quarz in the right hand and moonstone in the left hand helps to restore the body.

How To Practice Grounding

Grounding is a healthy way for us to deal with change and unwanted energy.

“Like a lightning bolt hitting a tree and traveling through the roots into the ground, your surges of energy need a place to go where they aren’t going to cause harm to you, to your psyche, or to your loved ones.”

Healing Crystals: Discover the Therapeutic Powers of Crystals (The Awakened Life) by Karen Ryan

Try sitting or standing barefoot on the ground. Making sure you are flat footed, and close your eyes and envision your feet having tree roots growing out of them. Bring those roots through the floor, into the dirt under your house, and keep going as much as you can. Wrap your roots around something to anchor you there. You want to feel sturdy, strong, and immobile.

The Chakra System

The Root Chakra

First- The Base or Root Chakra

Located: Between the anus and genitals.

  • Corresponding Body Parts: The last three vertebrae, the pelvic plexus, the anus, large intestine, the feet, the legs and the Soul.
  • Controls Feelings Of: Ambition, dependency, survival, and stability.
  • Provides: Foundation of life, feeling grounded, physical strength, sexual and reproductive energy, the will to live, fight-or-flight-response and grounding, and being able to withstand change.
  • Physical Exercises: Walking barefoot outside, doing yoga poses like malasana (garland pose) or mountain pose, dancing, pelvic exercises, and doing a root chakra meditation outdoors.
  • Crystals: Rubies, obsidian, garnets, black tourmaline, brown jasper, and mahogany obsidian.
  • Colors: Red, black and brown.
  • Affirmations: “I am independent.”, “I am exactly where I am meant to be.”, and “I feel safe in my body.”
  • Mudra: The Muladhara Mudra.
  • Sound: LAM; C note.

Problems or signs your out of balance:

  • Boundary Issues
  • Emotional Eating
  • Weight changes
  • Sluggish
  • Immune system
  • Leg pain or stiffness
  • Feet pain or stiffness
  • Tailbone pain
  • Rectum pain
  • Male reproductive parts and prostate glad issues
  • Degenerative arthritis
  • Knee pain or stiffness
  • Sciatica
  • Eating disorders
  • Constipation
  • Feeling like you aren’t grounded
  • Money and finance stress
  • Life feels off or chaotic

Second- The Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra

Located in: Center of lower belly, about 2 inches under navel.

  • Corresponding Body Parts– Women sexual organs, large intestine, kidneys, and bladder.
  • Controls Feelings Of: Emotional well-being, physical health, sexuality, emotions, sensuality, creative expression, fun, freedom, and flexibility.
  • Provides: Self-esteem, being open to new ideas, emotional self-awareness, connection to others, definition and identity to sexuality, and assimilation of experiences.
  • Physical Exercises: Hip circles, low lunges, goddess pose, abdominal massage,
  • Crystals: Orange calcite, jasper, carnelian and coral.
  • Colors: Orange, red-orange, and yellow-orange.
  • Affirmations: “I give myself permission to prioritize pleasure and emotional healing.”, “I am clear on my boundaries and do not allow others to take advantage of them.”, and “I am connected to my innate creative energy.”
  • Mudra: Shakti Mudra.
  • Sound: BAM; D note.

Problems or signs your out of balance:

  • Sexual or reproductive issues
  • Urinary or kidney problems
  • Constipation
  • Muscle spasms
  • Fever
  • Cold
  • Hip, lower back or pelvic pain
  • Unable to express desire or emotion
  • Fear or betrayal or fear
  • Back and/or hip pain or stiffness
  • Feeling overwhelmed emotionally
  • No creativity or imagination
  • Closed off emotions

Third- The Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra

Located: Two inches above your navel.

  • Corresponding Body Parts: Liver, stomach, pancreas, gall bladder and small intestine.
  • Controls Feelings Of: Gut feeling, ego, self-respect, and balances the heat and energy of our bodies.
  • Provides: Self-confidence, logical thought, personal power, decision making skills, and the desire for intellectual pursuits.
  • Physical Exercises: Bow pose, prayer pose, planks, and breath of fire.
  • Crystals: Golden topaz, golden and yellow calcite, citrine, smoky quartz, yellow jasper, apatite, and amber.
  • Colors: Golden yellow and yellow.
  • Affirmations: “I feel motivated to fufil my purpose.”, “My actions flow from a place of confindence and balance.” and, ” I feel ready to face challenges.”
  • Mudra: Rudra Mudra.
  • Sound: RAM; E note.

Problems or signs your out of balance:

  • Liver dysfunction
  • Gallbladder issues
  • Colon diseases
  • Digestive problems
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Diabetes
  • Stomach ulcers
  • High blood pressure
  • Weight gain
  • Poor metabolism
  • Low self esteem
  • Problems making decisions
  • Depression
  • Low productivity
  • Angry

Fourth- The Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra

Located in: Center of chest

  • Corresponding Body Parts: Heart, circulatory system, lungs, upper back, and shoulders. When the Solar Plexus is affected it will affect the heart chakra also.
  • Controls Feelings Of: Love, hate and compassion
  • Physical Exercises:
  • Crystals: Kunzite, rhodonite, rose quartz, rhodochrosite, emerald, pink tourmaline, malachite, aventurine, dioptase and peridot.
  • Colors: Pink, green and golden pink.
  • Affirmations: “I am open to give and receive love.”, “My heart is free from past hurt.”, and ” I am kind to myself.”
  • Mudra: Padma mudra.
  • Sound: YUM; F# note.

Problems or signs your out of balance:

  • Jealous
  • Lonely
  • Lacking empathy
  • Fear of intimacy
  • Anger
  • Bitterness
  • Asthma
  • Heart disease
  • Lung disease
  • Breast issues
  • Lymphatic system problems
  • Shoulder problems
  • Arm pain or stiffness
  • Wrist pain or stiffness

Fifth- The Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra

Located in the soft spot at the base of your throat above your clavicles.

  • Corresponding Body Parts: Throat, tongue, jaw, lungs, arms, heart, ears, teeth, and thyroid glands.
  • Controls Feelings Of: General truths and inner feelings.
  • Provides: Communication, spoken truth, open expression, the will to act and creativity.
  • Physical Exercises: Neck stretches, singing, chanting, shoulder massage.
  • Crystals: Blue lace agate, celestite, turquoise, aquamarine, natural blue topaz, blue tourmaline, and sodalite.
  • Colors: Turquoise, and light blue
  • Affirmation: “It is safe for me to use my voice.”, “I speak up for myself.”, and ” I am gentle with my words.”
  • Mudra: Udana Vayu Mudra
  • Sound: HAM; G# note

Problems or signs your out of balance:

  • Cold
  • Cough
  • Asthma
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Swollen lymph hubs
  • throat and upper respiratory infection
  • Difficulties expressing feelings
  • Fear of sharing your thoughts
  • talking incessantly without listening
  • being critical of others
  • loneliness
  • shouting/yelling

Sixth- The Third Eye

Third Eye Chakra

Located in the forehead. The location can very slightly from person to person and tingles when activated.

  • Corresponding Body Parts: Eyes, the lower part of the brain, face, eyes, ears, sinuses pineal gland, and head.
  • Controls Feelings Of: Wisdom, and intuition.
  • Provides: Intuitive seeing and knowing, clairvoyance, higher understanding of others, and extrasensory perception (ESP).
  • Physical Exercises: Releasing brow tention, and child’s pose
  • Crystals: Sodalite, lapis lazuli, Iolite, blue fluorite, azurite, and sapphire.
  • Colors: Deep Blue, and indigo
  • Affirmations: “I am guided by my intuition.”, ” I learn from the experiences and challenges in my life.” and “I am connected to the divine.”
  • Mudra: Ajna Mudra
  • Sound: AH; A note

Problems or signs your out of balance:

  • Headaches,
  • Blurred vision
  • Sinus Issues
  • Seizures
  • Eyestrain
  • Hearing loss
  • Hormone issues
  • Depression
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Nightmares
  • Pressure in the middle of your brows

Seventh- The Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra

Located at the very top of the head in the center.

  • Corresponding Body Parts: Nervous system and brain. Connects to every other chakra in the system.
  • Controls Feelings Of: Wisdom, universal conciousness, self knowledge, and unity.
  • Provides: Self- realization, spiritual growth, peace and a path to your higher power.
  • Physical Exercises: Crocodile pose, education, headstand pose, and rabbit pose.
  • Crystals: Sugilite, purple fluorite, charoite, amethyst, clear quartz, diamond, apophyllite.
  • Colors: White, and purple.
  • Affirmations: “I accept myself entirely.” “I trust in the journey of life.”, and “I am a magnificant creation of the universe.”
  • Mudra: Anjali Mudra
  • Sound: OM; B note

Problems or signs your out of balance:

  • Light sensitivity
  • Brain fog
  • Poor coordination
  • Physical exhaustion
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Hyper spiritulization
  • Lack of connection to the world
  • Lack of focus
  • Confusion
  • Disturbance in sleep
  • Difficulty learning

The Last Two Chakras-The Soul Star And Earth Star

The Soul Star Chakra

The Soul Star Chakra

Located from 1-3 feet from the body. It is different for everyone.

  • Corresponding To: The soul, karmic past and past lives.
  • Controls Feelings Of: Love, harmony in your life, and a connection with your own purpose.
  • Provides: Enhanced spiritual wisdom, heightened intuition, better relationship with your higher self, and more understanding beyond your conscious mind.
  • Physical Exercises: Guided meditation,
  • Crystals:Selenite and blue kyanite.
  • Colors: Ultraviolet and silver.
  • Affirmation: ” I am one with the universe and the universe is one with me.”
  • Mudra: Lotus Mudra
  • Sound: B note

Problems or signs your out of balance:

  • Yearning without purpose
  • Constant craving for more
  • Anxiety
  • Cynicism
  • Depressed
  • Mistrust
  • Lack of faith

The Earth Star Chakra

The Earth Star Chakra

Located about 12 inches below your feet.

  • Corresponding To: Ancestors, plants, nature and all species.
  • Controls Feelings Of: Being grounded
  • Provides: The feeling of being connected to yourself and body.
  • Physical Exercises: Being outside barefoot, meditating in nature, setting boundaries, and accepting all of your feelings.
  • Crystal: Black tourmaline and black kyanite.
  • Color: Black and earthy brown.
  • Affirmations: “I travel with the earth in mind.”, “Mother Earth loves me, and keeps me safe.”, and ” I am grounded.”
  • Mudra: Prithvi mudra
  • Sound: F note

Problems or signs your out of balance:

  • Feeling disassociated
  • Stressed
  • Cant cope
  • Cant feel a connection to the earth

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