Nurturing A Little Witch: Parenting Tips for Magical Parents

Are you interested in learning about Witchcraft or are you a Witch, but you have kids (or want to), and you’re wondering if it’s the right move?

Having kids is something there will always be controversy about. You’re never going to do it completely ‘Right’. But I believe that as long as you’re doing your best, then that’s okay. My wife and I are moms to a 4 year old little girl, and yes, we are a witches. There are many different ways to practice the craft, so I’m sure there are some rights and wrongs concerning children.

Discussing right and wrong is a pretty sure way to get some internet hate, so I am going to tread lightly here. Trust your intuition, follow your heart and listen to what it’s telling you. Do you feel comfortable talking to your children about your beliefs? Are you going to hide it from them? Are you going to include or exclude them? There are so many points, so there are so many different answers. The answers will change every time you ask someone new. Keep in mind that it is your family. It is your child.

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Women and kid sitting at a table with pink and white candle and crystals
Women and kid sitting at a table with pink and white candle and crystals

Kids Are Magical

Aren’t kids just little bundles of magic anyway? Everything about them is magical. It’s something I truly think we were all born with – until we are told not to anymore. So what could happen if we never tell them that it’s not real, and just encourage their beliefs?

I haven’t been practicing magick my daughter’s whole life. I wanted to before, but I was with the wrong people and a little afraid. My daughter is 4, and I think compared to other kids she has such a creative imagination. She has had multiple imaginary friends since she was about 2. I will never know if she was seeing spirits or playing make-believe, but her friends ‘Jayden and Lisa’ have been with us from house to house for a very long time for a child. She could even describe them pretty well for being a kid. What if I told her to stop pretending? What could that do to her little kid brain? I like to implement that into my daily life as a witchy mom too. I don’t want to tell her she can’t believe in something if she thinks it is very real.

Even if you are practicing baneful magick, who is to say it is wrong besides yourself? I personally do not practice baneful magick intentionally, but you have to draw a hard black-and-white line and swear not to cross it to say you are a white witch. If you are practicing with the intent to hurt someone, keep in mind sometimes things go wrong and they can backfire. It has happened before. So practice your protection spells first. Protection spells are the most important spells, in my opinion, no matter what you are doing. You don’t want it to go in the wrong direction.  Sometimes, when things backfire, the wrong people can get hurt, and we have to protect the people closest to us.

Being a witch is more than just casting spells and rhyming though. Kitchen witchcraft is cooking with herbs and their correspondences to get a result from their food and goodies. What’s wrong with teaching your little ones that the things we’re putting into our bodies have a meaning? What is wrong with teaching them that it’s more than food? It’s food for the soul, too. You can bake with cinnamon and chamomile to bring in money. You can make a drink with lemon and sugar (lemonade) and give it the purpose of keeping a friendship healthy or even rejuvenating the relationship.

Crystal witches use the vibrations and power of crystals to manifest their hopes. You can carry stones for love, health, money, protection, and everything in between. There are garden witches who love to work with plants; they feel a connection with nature and use plants for potions and spells.

If you create spell jars, then what is wrong with showing a child how to create hope? When your spell works you get to share the joy or what happens when you believe hard enough. You can make a spell jar to keep their nightmares away, or to bring them luck in passing a school test.

Then you have gray witches who don’t separate it into black and white and follow their hearts and intuition for what they need. Maybe they are trying to fix or do justice to a bad situation even if it isn’t “right”. I think we’ve all been called to take charge before when you want to just take a matter into your own hands. 

All these different types and I barely touched the surface. There are many different categories you could place yourself in, or you don’t have to choose just one at all.

I call myself Eclectic because I practice in many different ways, like Kitchen, Crystal, Candle, Moon, Ancestral, and from time to time, just whatever calls me to it. I practice whatever I feel I need to do at the moment.

I am teaching my daughter about intuition and listening to her body, how to do a daily ritual for happiness, peace, and love in the home, how to use crystals for specific things, and how herbs all have correspondence. She makes moon water with me, and sometimes rain water if we are getting a storm.

My daughter is with me every step of the way in my craft; I haven’t hidden anything from her so far. She wants to be a part of it and I allow her to believe in something with me. I think it is important to have something to believe in. When she gets older she can decide for herself and let me know if she wants to keep learning with me or go her own way. The most important thing in the world is that she knows she is loved, supported, and safe.

If you are interested in teaching your child about the life of witchcraft, you need to first decide how you are identifying or at least what you believe in and what you would like to pass on. Are you a Wiccan, or do you follow a religion based on witchcraft? Or are you a witch who doesn’t follow religion?

There are books, social media groups, videos, and many other resources to help you raise your child the way you want to. You are not alone. I hope that some of these resources help you be a confident parent and witch!

There are a few Facebook Pages I have found about parenting with witchcraft for you.

'Pagan Parenting"s Facebook page

Pagan Parenting is a Facebook page for parents who are Pagan. “A place for Pagan Parents to get together share tips, tricks, news, and memes.”

'Pagan Moms' Facebook page

Pagan Moms is a Facebook page for mothers who are Pagan. “Parenting tips and info for Pagan mommies (and daddies!)”

'Wiccan Moms' Facebook Page

Wiccan Moms is a Facebook page for mothers who practice Wicca.

There are a few books I have found (I haven’t read them yet, but they have great reviews).

I am not getting paid to share these books, as I do not have an affiliate marketing deal yet.

Raising Witches by Ashleen O'Gaea

Raising Witches by Ashleen O’Gaea has 4.4/5 stars. She teaches about how to incorperate the Wiccan lifestyle into different stages of your child’s life.

Circle Round by Starhawk

Circle Round by Starhawk, Diane Baker, and Anne Hill has 4.3/5 stars. “Circle Round is rich with songs, rituals, craft and cooking projects, and read-aloud stories, as well as suggestions for how you can create your own unique family traditions.”

Rupert's tales by Kyrja

Rupert’s Tales: The Wheel of the Year – Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, and Ostara by Kyrja has 4.8/5 stars. “Perfect for teaching sacred Pagan practices and beliefs to young children being raised within varied traditions. Rupert’s Tales are stories for all children, everywhere!”

ABC Book of Shadows by Katie Lydon

ABC Book of Shadows by Katie Lydon Olivares has 4.6/5 stars. ” Introduces children of all ages to the magick and mysteries of an ancient wisdom.”

Here are some YouTube videos about Pagan moms.

Witching with Kids | Tips to Being a Mother and a Witch by Ethony Youtube video

Witching with Kids | Tips to Being a Mother and a Witch by Ethony. Ethony posts videos about witchcraft and tarot, but she posted a great video about being a mother and practicing witchcraft.

How To Introduce Kids To Witchcraft by Suburban Witchery's Youtube video

How To Introduce Kids To Witchcraft by Suburban Witchery. She talks about being a witch with a 3 year old daughter.

*I include links from partnerships as an affiliate. I receive a commission if you make a purchase, but it doesn’t affect the price on your end. This does not influence which products I write about, my opinions are my own.*

Come Check Out My Blog About How To Create 6 Easy Spell Jars.